Saturday, May 11, 2013


the words have slipped out
the thoughts have scattered
all that remains
is breath and prayer
and memory

the deep spark
that has no name
where have you gone I cry
but how can I recall
what is not

you are the space between the stars
the shadows gathered in the woods
when the moon reflects only on limbs
and trunks of sycamore and birch
you are the emptiness between the rib bones
bright white and striated

let me feel your breath
against my sullen cheek
fill my mouth
with your stony words
emptied and emptying
like the waves upon the shore

Pamela Olson

For One Single Impression's prompt


  1. The way the poem is closed, is lovely, gives out the gist.

  2. I can feel that space between stars and shadows in deep woods. I think I know this space!

  3. absolutely beautiful.... love this section most especially "you are the space between the stars
    the shadows gathered in the woods
    when the moon reflects only on limbs
    and trunks of sycamore and birch
    you are the emptiness between the rib bones
    bright white and striated"

    Thank you!

  4. wonder what's in that space between. gorgeous writing.
